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Andrid Apps Downloading Problem - Try Again in Play Store

Android, Iphone and other smart phone are working on those applications which needs to update after some changing and other implemenation. Which needs some upgrades. But in Android case there are some changes. When you are updating the application it some time says can't be updated. Or may be your Play Store stop working because it says not internet connection. May be it says Try Again.

Andrid Apps Downloading Problem

The best solutions is to restart your phone because this problem may occur sometime. This occurs due to your update failed or some how missing some required file and it never gives you error.

Downloading in android problem may solved by reset or by following these steps. If your play store is giving error of try again then see last section.

Downloading problem in Android

  1.  Cancel the Download and Try it again.
  2. Restart your device, Try to download the app again. If it isn't then change from wireless internet to cellular internet. If you are on cellular then switch to WIFI. or Try giving other sim and connect to HotSpot.
  3.  Check your firewalls in the in the router or ask your network provider if there is no issue with firewall which blocks downloading from playstore.
  4. If you are block with firewall then add TCP and UDP port 5228 in Router to route for Play Store.
  5. Clear the Cache or Clear the data of both play store and download manager service.
  6. If it's paid application check whether you are giving correct information of your purchase.

Try again in Google Play Store

Sometime google play store stop work and give the error try again. whether you are connect with internet.
  1. Go to your setting and Select Application or some time it's Apps.
  2. View all APPS or go to running APPS.
  3. Select google play store and there is button called clear data. Press it.
  4. Now at the top or more bottom there is clear cache press it too.
  5. Your problem is solved and now login again with google account and start downloading.

Try Google Support Link is here. Play Store Link


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